I just came up with a really great idea. Do yo want to hear it? I'm going to tell you even if you don't. I thought it would be cool to do some of what I call "Improv Writing", meaning I will write something off the top of my head, on the spot, with no prior planning. Fun, right? Well it gets better. You guys get to decide what I write! Yay!
So just leave me a comment telling me what you want me to write. For example, if you said something like this:
Could you write an epic battle scene involving ray guns and axes?
I would write this:
Our hero Skyres is trapped, being tortured against her will. Suddenly, the wall explodes, and in steps Skyreses best friend Nicole, her ray gun still smoking. She tosses Skyres an axe to cut her bonds, and Skyres quickly reaches for her own ray gun. The enemy is cowering in fear at the sight of their pure awesomeness.
What do you think? I just wrote that, with no previous planning. Pretty good, huh?
Just send me anything, and I will write a random scene. Can't wait to get started!